a row of young students at their desks writing in workbooks

Fifth Grade School Program


The comprehensive, literature-based reading program, structured to develop active thinking and enthusiastic readers, is composed of three parts. The first portion is teacher directed emphasis on comprehension, vocabulary development, literary appreciation, and study skills. The second portion includes a literature program involving the reading and discussion of several novels. The third portion is a computer-based reading comprehension testing program. The testing program is individualized based on student’s individual abilities and reading interests. The reading program also includes book reports and projects.


The language program aims to improve written and oral expression. To strengthen their writing skills, students study grammar, punctuation, spelling, paragraphing, and how to write effective paragraphs. The writing process is stressed through the writing of several genres over the course of the year. Group discussions are used to increase the students’ ability to present ideas orally to both small and large groups. Study skills are taught and instructions are given on how to use the library and various types of reference books to enhance expository writing, which involves the presentation of a main theme or idea, supporting facts or details, and a conclusion.


Emphasis is placed on basic operations using whole numbers, fractions, and decimals. Strategies and practice in choosing and applying problem solving skills are also emphasized. The basic skills of adding, subtracting, multiplication, and division are reviewed and practiced daily.

Social Studies

American history, from man’s first migration to this continent to the Civil War, is the focus of the social studies program. Students also study the development of the American economic system and the American system of government. They learn how to distinguish between fact and opinion, recognize cause and effect, and apply geography skills.


The fifth grade science program includes the studies of engineering and technology, matter, energy in both organisms as well as ecosystems, space, and the Earth’s systems. Students apply the process in classroom activities, utilizing concepts in physical and earth sciences. Students work in small groups to complete science labs and apply the environmental science curriculum by cultivating our school garden.


The art curriculum integrates the four disciplines of art education: art history and culture, aesthetic perception, creative expression, and art criticism. Each lesson exposes students to works of fine art, history and culture, creative art production activities, and critical thinking. Students will be introduced to artist profiles and children’s book illustrators. These skills are built upon annually with a greater degree of difficulty as students advance through the upper grades.


The alto recorder is introduced and students compose, rehearse, and perform music in small and large ensembles. The focus continues to be on singing in tune, melody and harmony, moving in syncopation, and learning more advanced terminology through use of the interactive smart board and a music computer program.

Physical Education

The physical education program emphasizes more involvement with leisure activities and competitive sports. Physical fitness is highly emphasized as well as teamwork, participation, and sportsmanship. Instruction is provided to help develop skills for team and individual sports. Health units are taught throughout the year.

Computer Literacy

Students will become familiar with basic knowledge of how computers work, hardware, software, and terminology for use of computer and related technology efficiency. Emphasis will be on developing keyboarding skills and creating Microsoft Office Suite projects. Age-appropriate discussions of online safety and proper computer etiquette will be covered. Students create digital stories, games, tools, and scientific models while learning the basics of programming.


Elementary Spanish focuses on a variety of themes that will be reintroduced and expanded upon in successive years, building vocabulary, communicative competence, and comprehension. These themes include: how we know each other, how we live, how we learn, how we take care of ourselves, different types of animals, numbers (1-100), our environment, verb conjugations, paragraph sequencers, and cultural-awareness lessons through stories, songs, and videos.


The library curriculum focuses on information access and problem-solving skills. Emphasis is put on using resource databases to complete classroom research projects. Students will learn the correct form of database citations to use in research. Literature appreciation is also emphasized through class discussions. Students can choose from over 28,000 titles on our library shelves and in our e-book collection from the digital Overdrive/ Sora library.

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First Grade

Second Grade

Third Grade

Fourth Grade

Fifth Grade Facts At A Glance

  • Age range: 10 years old to 11 years old
  • School hours: Classes start at 8:25am and dismisses at 2:55pm
  • Classroom size: 20 students
  • Student to Faculty ratio: 10:1

Fifth Grade FAQ

two young students seated on some steps showing the contents of books to each other

Fifth Grade FAQ

Does the school offer a sports program in elementary school?

The competitive sports program includes boys, girls, and coed teams such as flag football, basketball, volleyball, track, swimming and even tennis.  Competitive sports start for boys and girls in fifth grade.

How does the school communicate with parents?

The school primarily conveys important information and notifications via email.  All academic and disciplinary records are posted in real time via PlusPortals.  Teachers are encouraged to maintain an open line of communication with parents through email, phone conversations and in-person conferencing as needed.   

How much homework (or time) is given?

Each grade level is given study hall time during the school day, which allows students to get a head start on homework and have teacher assistance. Fifth grade has approximately 1 hour and 15 minutes of homework and receives a 30-minute study hall time.

What is the amount of reading time/expectations?

We want to foster a love of reading at a young age. There is no set amount of time required to read, but reading time is often included in the overall homework time.


“Perhaps the most valuable result of all education is the ability to make yourself do the things you have to do, when they ought to be done. It is the first lesson that ought to be learned— however early that training begins.”