a young student writes in a workbook at a desk in a classroom

Fourth Grade School Program


The fourth grade reading curriculum incorporates a comprehensive, literature-based reading series in an individualized, teacher directed course of study. The reading series used offers reading selections written by award winning literary artists. These selections provide for the systematic development of vocabulary, comprehension, decoding, critical thinking, and knowledge of the elements of good literature. Students are provided with the opportunity to apply the literary techniques they have learned to their own compositions. The reading program also includes enrichment activities such as poetry, novels, book reports and projects, and a structured motivational program for extracurricular reading.


The language program includes the study of grammar, punctuation, study skills, listening skills, and speaking skills. Emphasis is placed on writing mechanics used to compose stories, poetry, speeches, letters, reports, and narratives.


The mathematics program encompasses the basic operations using whole numbers, fractions, and decimals. Problem solving and critical thinking activities are designed to challenge students. Further areas, including problem solving, geometry, area, volume, graphing, measurement, and probability are also studied.

Social Studies

The social studies curriculum incorporates many topics, including American history, United States and world geography, United States government, map skills, and the history of Nevada.


In science, the students explore units of energy, plant and animal structures and functions, changes to Earth’s surface, and rocks and fossils.


The art curriculum integrates the four disciplines of art education: art history and culture, aesthetic perception, creative expression, and art criticism. Each lesson exposes students to works of fine art, history and culture, creative art production activities, and critical thinking. Students will be introduced to artist profiles and children’s book illustrators. These skills are built upon annually with a greater degree of difficulty as students advance through the upper grades.


Two and three part harmony are added to both vocal and recorder instruction. Listening and note reading skills are strengthened through call charts, a computer music program and playing in ensembles.

Physical Education

The physical education program stresses physical fitness and movement experiences in calisthenics and games. It also includes instructional development in team and individual sports. Health units are taught throughout the year.  Cooperation, skill building, teamwork, participation, and sportsmanship are highly emphasized.

Computer Literacy

Students will become familiar with basic knowledge of how computers work, hardware, software, and terminology for use of computer and related technology efficiency. Emphasis will be on developing keyboarding skills and creating Microsoft Office Suite projects. Age-appropriate discussions of online safety and proper computer etiquette will be covered. Students create digital stories, games, tools, and scientific models while learning the basics of programming.


Elementary Spanish focuses on a variety of themes that will be reintroduced and expanded upon in successive years, building vocabulary, introduce verb conjugations, paragraph sequencers, communicative competence, and comprehension. These themes include: Greetings, Family, Friends, Places, Foods, Clothing, Household Activities such as chores and pastimes, Community, and School and Cultural Awareness lessons taught through stories, songs, and videos.


The library curriculum is based on information access and problem-solving skills. Students locate and access information using databases to complete classroom research projects. Literature appreciation is also emphasized through class discussions. Students can choose from over 28,000 titles on our library shelves and in our e-book collection from the digital Overdrive/Sora library.

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First Grade

Second Grade

Third Grade

Fifth Grade

Fourth Grade Facts At A Glance

  • Age range: 9 years old to 10 years old
  • School hours: Classes start at 8:25am and dismisses at 2:55pm
  • Classroom size: 20 students
  • Student to Faculty ratio: 10:1

Fourth Grade FAQ

Fourth Grade FAQ

Does the school provide transportation?

The school does not provide transportation but is conveniently located in the center of the Las Vegas valley easily accessible via Jones Blvd. and Desert Inn Road. 

How much homework (or time) is given?

Each grade level is given study hall time during the school day, which allows students to get a head start on homework and have teacher assistance. Fourth grade has approximately 60 minutes of homework and receives a 30-minute study hall time.

What is the average reading level?

Students on average read a grade level ahead.

What is the school disciplinary philosophy?

The school use a firm but fair disciplinary philosophy with praise in public and reprimand in private.  Students are addressed if they engage in inappropriate behavior using a card change system with a detention consequence.  Citizenship is letter graded.


“Perhaps the most valuable result of all education is the ability to make yourself do the things you have to do, when they ought to be done. It is the first lesson that ought to be learned— however early that training begins.”