Do students wear uniforms?
All students are required to wear the school uniform.
What is drop off and pick up?
Parents are welcome to park and walk their child to the classroom or use the morning drop off system. After school, students must be signed out from their classroom or aftercare room by the parent or authorized individual.
Does Kinderschool have assemblies and guest speakers?
The school has several assemblies and guest speakers annually. These special programs enhance the academic instruction and enrich our student’s educational experience.
What is the school disciplinary philosophy?
The school uses a firm but fair disciplinary philosophy with praise in public and reprimand in private. Kinderschool children are re-directed if they engage in inappropriate classroom behavior.
Does the school offer snacks or a lunch program?
We provide a morning and afternoon snack. Students may bring their own lunch or parents can order lunches online through BetterLunch for delivery during lunch time. There are a variety of healthy, kid friendly lunch items available each day.
Does the school use parent volunteers?
There are opportunities for parents to be a guest speaker, read to the children, help with craft projects, or assist with class parties. However, Parents are not required to volunteer.
How and when do I apply?
Preschool and Pre-Kindergarten students are accepted on a first come, first enrolled basis. Registration begins in November for the following school year. Kindergarten applicants are required to take an entrance examination for admissions consideration. Exams begin in January for the following school year.