a smiling young student standing at the front of a classroom near a projection of math problems

Second Grade School Program


A comprehensive, literature-based series is used in addition to class novels. The reading series includes vocabulary, comprehension and language skills, and is supplemented by practice assignments. Outside reading, book reports, and projects are required.


Students learn many grammatical and word recognition components including nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, diphthongs, digraphs, contractions, and homonyms. Creative writing, letter writing, spelling, dictionary skills, and word usage are also included. In the second half of the year, students will begin the transition from manuscript to cursive writing.


Second grade skills emphasize basic addition and subtraction facts with a focus on speed. The topics of regrouping, place value, money, time, measurement, graphing, geometry, fractions, problem solving, and multiplication/ division concepts are covered.

Social Studies

Social studies units include the study of our neighborhoods, country and world, community laws and workers, holidays and their cultural variations, and the acquisition of basic map skills. Some of the units in both science and social studies are coordinated with field trips. Scholastic News Weekly Readers are used for current events.


Science units include the habitats of plants and animals, properties of matter and energy, the engineering design process, and changes to Earth’s surface.


The art curriculum integrates the four disciplines of art education: art history and culture, aesthetic perception, creative expression, and art criticism. Each lesson exposes students to works of fine art, history and culture, creative art production activities, and critical thinking. Students will be introduced to artist profiles and children’s book illustrators. These skills are built upon annually with a greater degree of difficulty as students advance through the upper grades.


Extensive use of xylophones and small percussion instruments are utilized throughout the course of the year. Circle dances, rhythmic activities, and singing in rounds while playing percussion instruments are introduced. Note values and listening skills are emphasized through use of the smartboard.

Physical Education

Large and small muscle motor coordination skills are taught along with creative, rhythmic, and perceptual movements. Students participate in team and individual sports and relay activities, in addition to learning various exercises and ball skills. Health units are taught throughout the year. Cooperation, skill building, teamwork, participation, and sportsmanship are emphasized.

Computer Literacy

Students will become familiar with basic knowledge of how computers work, hardware, software, and terminology for use of computer and related technology efficiency. Emphasis will be on developing keyboarding skills and creating Microsoft Office Suite projects. Age-appropriate discussions of online safety and proper computer etiquette will be covered. Students create digital stories, games, tools, and scientific models while learning the basics of programming.


Elementary Spanish focuses on a variety of themes which will be reintroduced and expanded upon in successive years. These themes build vocabulary, communicative competence, and comprehension, and include: Greetings, Family, Animals, Numbers (0-50), Community, School Life, Food, Body Parts, Seasons, Weather, Calendar, Colors, and Cultural Awareness lessons taught through stories, games, songs, and videos.


The library curriculum is based on information access and problem-solving skills. Students learn to use databases to locate information. These resources are then applied to classroom research projects. Literature appreciation is also emphasized through class discussions. Students can choose from over 28,000 titles on our library shelves and in our e-book collection from the digital Overdrive/Sora library.

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First Grade

Third Grade

Fourth Grade

Fifth Grade

Second Grade Facts At A Glance

  • Age range: 7 years old to 8 years old
  • School hours: Classes start at 8:25am and dismisses at 2:55pm
  • Classroom size: 20 students
  • Student to Faculty ratio: 10:1

Second Grade FAQ


“Perhaps the most valuable result of all education is the ability to make yourself do the things you have to do, when they ought to be done. It is the first lesson that ought to be learned— however early that training begins.”

Second Grade FAQ

Does the school have assemblies and guest speakers?

The school has several assemblies and guest speakers annually.  These special programs enhance the academic instruction and enrich our student’s educational experience.

Do parents have to provide their child’s school supplies?

As a convenience to parents, the school provides all necessary school supplies for the year at a nominal fee.

Does the school have a hot lunch program?

Parents can order lunches online through BetterLunch for delivery during lunchtime.  There are a variety of kid friendly lunch items available each day.

Do students have recess?

All elementary classes have a morning recess and lunch time recess. First and second grade have an additional afternoon recess time.