11 Reasons How Extracurriculars Can Help Kids Develop Life Skills
Academics are certainly the central element of students' experiences during their school years, but they shouldn't be the sole focus. Extracurricular activities, both sponsored through school and those that aren't ...
What is STEAM Education?
Acronyms and buzzwords are frequently tossed around in conversations about pretty much everything under the sun, including education. You've probably heard of STEM education and maybe even STEAM education, but ...
Why Financial Literacy is Important For Kids
Encouraging our students to be well-rounded, lifelong learners is central to our educational mission at Las Vegas Day School. In addition to a traditional, core curriculum, we believe a rich ...
Charter Schools vs. Private Schools — How Are They Different?
Finding a school that's a good match for your children, your family, and your values can require long, careful consideration. Many families look for options beyond a traditional public school, ...
The Importance of Starting Early with Private Preschool
Our children begin to learn about the world around them from the moment they are born, and those earliest years are so crucial to their growth. As parents, families, friends, ...
Director’s News Fall 2021: 60th Anniversary Edition
Las Vegas Day School was founded by Helen and Jack Daseler in 1961, and this fall officially begins our 60th anniversary. I thought it might be nice to share a little ...
Learning Loss From Remote Education: How to Get Caught Up
If the past couple of years have taught us anything about our schools, it's the value of flexibility, adaptability, strong leadership, and the critical importance of our teachers, staff, students, ...
How to Help Your Child Transition to Middle School
Children love to learn the rhythm and routines of school as they move through elementary grades, gaining knowledge, experience, and finally, the prestige of being the top class in school ...
What is a Lifetime Learner? What are the Benefits?
Curiosity, knowledge and the passion to learn more are hallmarks of a well-rounded individual who is destined for success and happiness. These are also the characteristics that define a habit ...
10 Tips for Parents to Keep Your Kids Safe Online This Summer
Whether it's a class meeting in a Zoom room, Facetime with friends and relatives, or checking out the latest TikTok trends, our children have never known a time without the ...