two teachers and five young students talking at a table outside of a playground

Guidance Counseling

Las Vegas Day School provides challenges that help prepare our students for the future.  The Las Vegas Day School Guidance Counseling Department offers support to guide and assist our elementary and middle school students as they learn from the hurdles that a strong discipline and challenging curriculum provides.

The Counseling Department offers teachers, students, and families a variety of services including a classroom guidance program, individual classroom observations, testing referrals, and solution-focused individual counseling. The Guidance Counseling Department’s focus is to enhance every student’s academic, emotional, and social growth.  Working with others, responsibility, self-esteem, study skills, organization, high school placement and course selection, and career exploration are just some of the topics our guidance counselors cover with students and their families.


“Good schools, like good societies and good families,
celebrate and cherish diversity.”