
The Importance of Parental Involvement in Schooling

Parent involvement in their child’s schooling is a critical component to guarantee the success for a student’s education. At Las Vegas Day School, communication is the key. We find that communication between the parent and teachers, or even the parent and the school, is what will help students with their education and beyond. As one of the few private schools in Las Vegas, we pride ourselves on the open lines of communication for everyone involved.

Why Is Communication Between Parents and Teachers Important?

Interactions between a parent and a teacher serves as the frontline of a student’s schooling. Parents and teachers have the same goal for a child. The goal for both parties is to see a child’s educational success, to understand concepts taught, and to open future educational possibilities into high school and beyond.

Having parents and teachers communicating with each other helps ensure that information provided is reinforced at home. It is known that repetition helps the learning process and this is no different whether it is for concepts taught or behavioral issues within the classroom. Parents are able to reinforce and also reiterate what a teacher tells a child in their home environment.

Consistent communication between home and school also helps ensure that a child has a positive sense of security in their environment. When a child feels secure, it allows them the opportunity to expand in their learning and grow. Security helps students build self confidence in their education. It takes teamwork between the parents and the teacher to show a student that we are all working together and wanting the best for them. The key to great teamwork is, of course, communication.

Not only is communication important for a child’s education, it is also important for parent involvement. Many times, teachers need assistance with projects or volunteers for class activities such as field trips, music programs, art projects and so on. It is nice for parents to have the opportunity to be a part of these projects and activities in order to feel more involved in their child’s educational experience.

Although correspondence is mainly based on academics, many times, the communication between a teacher and parent can also be based on behavioral issues. If a student is misbehaving in class, parents want stay informed and on top of those issues. Just as it is important for a parent to know what is happening at school, it is helpful for the teachers to also be aware of any issues at home. This could be as simple as a child going through a major change within the family, a loss, illness etcetera. All of these play a factor into a child’s behavior and learning process. It is helpful for teachers to know what is going on in the home life to help support a student who might be struggling in class.

Communication between home and school can also focus on the positive attributes of a student.  Often times teachers and administrators observe student behaviors that are kind and supportive.  With the large amount of time spent at school, teachers can observe student behavior in ways that their parents may not see. Teachers can share when students are kind to one another, helpful and respectful to adults, and just positive qualities that are noticed throughout the day. This communication builds a strong bond with the teacher, parent, and the student.    

Why Is Communication Between Parents and The School Important?

It is important for a parent to know and understand any information their child’s school sends out. This could be something as simple as a fun campus event or something more serious such as a school policy or rule change/addition. A good school will constantly update and keep parents informed of any happenings on campus. The difference between a public school and a private school is the amount of information shared with parents. Private schools have the ability to provide greater communication due to smaller school/class sizes and can spend more time on resources for students. Parents can also see more change when their opinions or concerns are voiced with school staff.

Just as it is important for parents to receive communication and information from the school, it is equally important that parents take the time to read the information being sent from the school. Schools are taking the time to provide information for the parent’s benefit and information disseminated should be read and understood in its entirety. If a parent does not understand something, they need to feel comfortable with asking school personnel to clarify or elaborate.

Parents should also know that they can communicate with any staff member at the school for help, guidance or to receive supplemental information and resources for anything regarding their child’s education. There are many components and departments within a school that offer additional support and help outside of the classroom. Examples of this could be a yearbook point of contact, someone in charge of the lunch program, or the guidance counseling department. All of these various staff members are always available to assist parents.

How Does Las Vegas Day School Communicate with Parents?

Las Vegas Day School communicates as frequently as possible with parents. Information from the school is always emailed to all parents of a child – not just one parent contact. In the case of emergencies, we also are able to send text messages to parent’s cell phones. Teachers have constant communication with parents as well whether it be by email, a phone call, or even an in-person parent teacher conference in the classroom before or after school hours. The guidance counseling department will either email parents or call to discuss a child’s social, behavioral, or emotional well-being. All of our staff can be reached via email and parents can expect replies within twenty-four hours.

In addition to communication being delivered to parents, LVDS also uses a learning management system called PlusPortals for parents and students. This program helps keep track of assignments due, upcoming calendar dates, current grades, school resources, and supplemental information.

How Does Las Vegas Day School Stand Out?

We are all striving to guarantee that each child is successful with their education especially here at Las Vegas Day School. Communication plays into so many aspects of the educational experience. We are committed and invested in your child’s educational experience. LVDS does not hide or withhold any information parents need or request. We also take feedback into consideration and listen to parent concerns. We are always working hard to improve our school and do the best that we can to provide your child a top-notch education. The only way any of this is possible, is by communication.

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